why we are needed

The number of homeless kids, families, and veterans are at a high percentage. Thirty four percent (34%) of Homeless families and children live in state of North Carolina and there are 42% of Homeless Veterans state-wide. These are just a few percentages, but with your kind donations, volunteering, and partnering with us, mending the pieces in our communities can help decrease these percentages.


We are giving hope and encouragement to those who are in a place of hardship, discouragement, and those who have been devastated by life circumstances.  By giving them a vision of hope, we are giving them a chance to become victorious, to move forward in their lives, and to know that we care.



what you can do

Brokenness Ministry has many ways to get involved. We have wonderful volunteer opportunities. Some of our volunteers come from our local colleges, universities, and churches. Join us in giving back to the community. If you are interested in volunteering, you can contact Brokenness Ministry with the information located on our CONNECT page.


There will be morning and afternoon orientation session for volunteers on designated days. If you are interested, please visit our contact page to call or email us to sign up for these sessions. Orientation Sessions dates/times will be posted at a later date.

We also have many supporters such as Guilford County employees, a strong supporter of our Vision of Hope Program.



Please give what you can and help us mend the pieces

Quick Links:

Brokenness Ministry is a non-profit organization based in Greensboro, NC. We were called by God and established in the year of 2010 to evangelize in different cities and countries.

If you would like to know more about how you can get involved click here.
Contact Details:
1150 Revolution Mill Dr
Studio  1
Greensboro, NC  27405
Tel (800) 205-7420