vision of hope
The Vision of Hope (VOH) is an outreach program under Brokenness Ministry which envisions Guilford and Cumberland counties with people who are filled with hope that lead them to live stable, productive, high quality lives. Founded in 2013, by Mabel Jones who was inspired to help people who fell on hard times, due to circumstances beyond their control. Our mission is to provide hope to individuals and families who find themselves in circumstances that have caused homelessness, unemployment or lack of job skills by providing them with basic needs, life skills training and resources that lead to their stability and a better quality of life. Vision of Hope empowers its participants to meet their basic needs, obtain resource connections, and achieve stability.
Vision of Hope helps those in need, in a variety of ways by assisting women who reside in the Greensboro Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) shelter and their children with their basic needs. At VOH, we recognize that not all homeless people want to live in a shelter, therefore, VOH helps men and women who are literally homeless and are sleeping under bridges, in the woods or in abandoned cars or homes by providing them with blankets, food, and warm or weather appropriate clothing. VOH also hosts an annual school supply drive, which benefits the children who reside in the women’s shelter. Vision of Hope also provides outreach to literally homeless veterans and individuals by giving them donated clothing, serving them meals and connecting them to public and military benefits.
Vision of Hope Outreach Services
The Vision of Hope (VOH) outreach team goes to areas where homeless individuals are known to frequent so that they can find out the needs of the homeless people living in areas not meant for living. Some want to stay there, so emergency survival supplies are handed out to them and for those who want to find adequate shelter, an assessment and referral is made to shelter hotlines and programs that will help them find a safe place to sleep. These donations are provided by generous donations from churches,local grocery stores, and individuals. VOH distributes emergency food, household items, and school supplies for children living in the Greensboro YWCA Women’s Shelter and the community. Through VOH outreach, volunteers and case managers often uncover additional needs of those receiving services, which has led to the removal of barriers that have led to homelessness. VOH also offers a food pantry to the community. We have scheduled days in which we will have our food pantry open to the community. An announcement of scheduled food pantry dates, times, and location will be posted at a later date. VOH volunteers and staff complete a comprehensive
Vision of Hope uses its homeless outreach program to assess each program recipient for the specific barriers which prevent them from living a stable life. The VOH Life Skills program offers classes that will be held twice a week. The location and time of each class will be posted on the website at a later date. VOH Life Skills program allows participants to obtain assistance in:
Health Screenings
We also have health assessment screening such as blood pressure checks and diabetes testing.
Budgeting and Money Management
Our skilled financial literacy instructors and money management counselors volunteer their time to teach program recipients how to obtain benefits that increase their incomes and how to budget the money they receive so that they can obtain stability.
Connection to Public and Military Veteran Benefits
VOH helps homeless program participants and military veterans complete forms and resolve issues that have prevented them from receiving income that is rightfully theirs. Benefit application assistance that VOH provides, includes:
o Military pension benefits
o Disability application assistance
o Veteran employment preference application assistance
o Purple Heart back pay
o Other related services like, obtaining DD-214 and related
service documentation information)
Non-military Benefit Connection
o Public benefit referrals SNAP (Food Stamps), Medicare and
cash assistance)
Employment Readiness
o Workforce Development Class
o Employment etiquette
o Resume writing skills and review
o Job application assistance
o Job location resources